From our Designer: Benefits of Recovery Compression

From our Designer: Benefits of Recovery Compression

As the designer of BASE Compression, I love hearing from customers. It's the best way to understand how you're using our products and gives me the chance to answer some questions that pop up from time to time. I want to share with you the numerous benefits of recovery compression.

You may have heard the hype surrounding recovery tights and wondered what all the fuss is about. After years of athlete testing and thoughtful design and innovation, our garments are crafted and optimised for recovery and performance. 

One common question we receive from our customers is: What is mmHg?

Despite sounding fancy, mmHg is simply a unit of measurement that stands for millimetres of mercury and is used to express pressure. When we're talking mmHg for compression garments, it indicates the level of compression the garment provides. The higher the mmHg, the more pressure the garment applies to the body, which helps improve blood flow and reduce muscle vibration - ultimately leading to faster recovery and improved performance!

Our BASE Recovery Tights are specifically designed to provide optimum compression and recovery benefits. Our fabric converts body heat into infrared energy, so it's able to provide your body with a renewable energy source - accelerating the healing process, reducing pain, and amplifying stamina and endurance.

Whether you're an everyday warrior or a professional athlete, recovery compression can be a powerful tool to enhance your performance and overall well-being.

Our goal is to drive continual innovation and consistently improve our products for the benefit of athletes worldwide. Check out some more benefits below on compression.

  1. Reduced muscle soreness: Compression tights can help reduce muscle soreness after exercise by increasing blood flow and reducing inflammation.

  2. Improved circulation: Compression tights can improve blood flow by applying pressure to the veins in the legs, reducing the risk of blood clots and swelling.

  3. Faster recovery: Compression tights can help speed up the recovery process by reducing muscle damage and inflammation, leading to faster healing.

  4. Reduced fatigue: Compression tights can help reduce muscle vibration, which can cause fatigue during exercise, leading to improved endurance.

  5. Increased oxygenation: Compression tights can help increase the delivery of oxygen to the muscles, improving performance and reducing fatigue.

  6. Reduced risk of injury: Compression tights can provide support to the muscles and joints, reducing the risk of injury during exercise.

  7. Improved lymphatic drainage: Compression tights can help improve lymphatic drainage, which can reduce swelling and improve the immune system.

  8. Reduced lactic acid build-up: Compression tights can help reduce the build-up of lactic acid in the muscles, reducing muscle fatigue and soreness.

  9. Increased proprioception: Compression tights can improve proprioception, or the sense of body position, leading to improved balance and coordination.

  10. Enhanced psychological recovery: Compression tights can help improve psychological recovery by providing a sense of comfort and support, reducing stress and anxiety levels..